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Data Access Control

Enforce Data Access Controls for All Users

Cyral’s Data Access Control (DAC) solution provides comprehensive and consistent policies for a variety of databases and data lakes, across all channels. Use data security contracts to manage policies for who is allowed to access which data and with what constraints. Enforce policies consistently across all privileged users, applications, BI tools and services.

Benefits of Cyral’s DAC

  • Extend existing network policies to database accounts
  • Use IAM policies to manage access to database roles
  • Implement field-level policies for governance and privacy
  • All policies managed centrally, enforced externally
  • No reliance on database policies with different behaviors
  • Eliminate the need to manage role permissions
  • Ensure policies for all privileged and business users
  • Right-size privileges for users of BI tools and apps
  • Policies can be implemented for ETL jobs and services

DAC at the network-level

DAC at the database-level

DAC at the field-level

Data Privacy vs. Security

What is Data Access Control?

Read Glossary Card
security as code definition

What is Data Governance?

Read Glossary Card

IAM Can’t Solve Today’s Data Security Problems

Read White Paper

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Get started in minutes and explore how Cyral’s database activity monitoring solutions can protect your data. Learn more about Cyral’s Database Activity Monitoring. You can also contact us to see a live demo.
