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Service Account Resolution

Uncover Users Behind Service Accounts

BI tools and applications connect to your databases using service accounts. Cyral uncovers the identity of users of these tools and applications, streamlining audits, access control and forensics.

BI Tool Before

Tools and apps connect to databases using shared service accounts. This masks the identity of users using those tools, and complicates security and compliance.

  • Incomplete visibility and lack of identity attribution
  • Authorization policies replicated and managed across all tools and apps
  • Risk of data spillage across application tenants

BI Tool After

Cyral transparently intercepts requests to all databases, and associates user identities with each session. All activity logs and policies can now be associated with end user identities..

  • Complete visibility and identity attribution
  • Enables centralized authorization policies for all tools and apps
  • Segment data across multi-tenant applications


Centrally manage what data users can access, without replicating authorization policies across all tools and applications. Enable your team to use analytics tools of their choice.

Trace problematic requests by leveraging end user identity embedded  within session context. Improve MTTR and reduce costs.

Instantly discover users trying to access data they should not. Get alerted if a compromised application tenant is reading more data than others.

security as code definition

Database Activity Monitoring

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Observability Metrics for Troubleshooting Database Performance

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Who Is Using Your RDS Instance?

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