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IAM Modernization

Streamline and Automate Access to Cloud Data

IAM modernization aligns access controls with evolving infrastructure complexities, diverse user roles, and the dynamic cloud resources. It bolsters security measures, ensures regulatory compliance, and simplifies access management.

Key Components of IAM Modernization

  • Allow access to multiple resources with same credentials

  • Require users to provide multiple factors of authentication

  • Embrace Zero Trust and reduce password compromise risk

  • Provide controlled access to privileged accounts

  • Monitor all privileged activity and implement session recording

  • Protect the most high-value accounts in an organization

  • Grant access to resources only when needed, for a limited time

  • Improve compliance with standards that limit privileged access

  • Embrace Least Privilege and reduce risk of unauthorized access

  • Eliminate usage of service accounts by human users

  • Minimize the privileges associated with service accounts

  • Limit the blast radius of compromised applications

  • Enforce granular policies based on identity, context and risk

  • Increase efficiency by automating access management

  • Improve compliance and simplify audit and governance

Conventional IAM is ineffective for Data Security

“Conventional ‘access control’ is not enough for data security, and needs to be broadened to include access permissions, action privileges (e.g., CRUD), and granular entitlements.”
Mark Settle
7x CIO

Cyral Extends IAM Controls to Data Security

SSO, MFA and Approvals

Data Access Automation

Manage Privileged Access

End-to-end Remediation

Service Account Resolution

What Customers Are Saying

“Zero Trust, Ephemeral Access, and Least Privilege were our goals to achieve Data Democratization securely. When we looked at the market, Cyral was aligned with that goal. Cyral is unique in its ability to enforce in-line control for all operations for various data sources. Whether the data is in motion through applications or users are accessing it – we can apply controls through Cyral.”
Global Logistics Company

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