Latest White Paper | "Cyral for Data Access Governance"· Learn More
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Just in Time Access Approvals

Accelerate Access to Databases

Grant users just in time and just enough access to your mission critical and sensitive databases. Eliminate the need for long term privileged access for users and reduce attack surface.

Automate Access Administration

  • Build on existing tools to streamline access request and grant workflows
  • Eliminate complex PAM controls and approval workflows
  • Improve collaboration and increase productivity

Simplify Break Glass Access

  • Use SlackOps to handle access approvals
  • Guarantee automatic expiration of access permissions
  • Capture complete approval and activity logs for audits

Prevent Privilege Sprawl

  • Eliminate long-standing privileged access
  • Enable administration without requiring privileged access
  • Minimize the blast radius due to stolen credentials
Data Privacy vs. Security

Least Privilege

Read Glossary Card
Owl with a stop sign

My DBA Just Quit, How Worried Should I Be?

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security as code definition

Threats Brief for Data Cloud

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