Latest White Paper | "Cyral for Data Access Governance"· Learn More
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Cloud Data Security and Governance Platform

Cyral is built to handle the unique performance, deployment and availability challenges of the data mesh. With the Cyral cloud data security platform you see the full picture. Cyral’s data mesh sidecar is a featherweight and stateless interception service that enables:

  • Centralized dynamic cloud access management
  • Consistent real time observability 
  • Unified granular authorization policies
  • Continuous data governance and security
Cyral's cloud data security platform architecture

Meet Cyral’s Cloud Data Security Solutions

Monitor real-time activity across all popular SQL, NoSQL and pub/sub based databases, pipelines and data warehouses whether they are on prem, hosted, or SaaS based.

  • Trace data flows and requests in a dynamic cloud environment
  • Send output logs, traces and metrics to your favorite SIEM, data activity monitoring, and tracing tools
  • Speed up audits, easier forensics, troubleshooting, and resolution
  • Use infrastructure management and orchestration tools of your choice

Easily manage access and privileges across your entire data cloud at runtime.

  • Prevent unauthorized access from any user, app, or tool
  • Provide dynamic attribute-based cloud access control
  • Enable ephemeral access with just-enough privileges
  • Support both alerting and blocking of disallowed accesses

Enable compliance, security, and management teams to discover all privileged activity and access to sensitive data.

  • Continuously monitor all privileges across your secure data in cloud
  • Track and enforce just-in-time and just-enough privileges for all users and applications
  • Monitor, discover and report on all suspicious and disallowed activity patterns
  • Support continuous compliance and minimizes risk surface

Easily identify the user behind shared roles and service accounts and extend Zero Trust to your data cloud.

  • Tag all activity with the actual user identity, enabling policies to be specified against them
  • Don’t recreate identities, use your existing identity and access management providers to authenticate all data cloud accesses
  • Eliminate fragmented user management and the need for passwords
  • Enable SAML and OpenID based identity providers to integrate with your data cloud

What People are Saying

“By storing data in SaaS repositories like S3, Snowflake, BigQuery, and RDS, enterprises gain agility but make governance harder and increase the risk of breach. Cyral provides a unique solution for companies to protect their data while also improving visibility for their backend teams.”
Kevin Paige

Database Security Software for Automation & DevOps Workflows

Your environment, your tools, our tech:

  • Augment existing database monitoring tools with data cloud visibility
  • Use infrastructure orchestration tools of your choice
  • Automate multi-cloud data security using APIs and a security-as-code approach
  • Send output logs, traces and metrics to your favorite SIEM, monitoring and tracing tools

What People are Saying

“As a leader in the experience economy, Turo is focused on delivering cutting edge digital experiences to all of our consumers. To enable this, our engineering team relentlessly pursues automation while emphasizing the security of our customers’ data. To earn and keep our customers’ trust while delivering an experience they’ll love, we need security solutions that are API-first, agile, and fit into all our existing DevOps workflows. That’s why we turned to Cyral for enhanced protection of our data that doesn’t slow our teams down.”
Adam Bovill
Director of Engineering, Turo

Feature Details

Realtime observability through logs, traces, metrics, and alerts

Cyral provides real time logs, metrics and traces for all data activity, with context enriched from identity providers. This information can be used by security and DevOps teams for troubleshooting, forensics and incident response.

Logs can be redirected to any SIEM or log management platform of your choice

With Cyral logs, you can now answer questions like:

  • Who added a new column to the table Customers yesterday?
  • When did an Admin execute a DML statement?
  • How were read privileges granted to the scientist role on the finance database?
  • Who is the Looker user who ran this long running query?

Cyral publishes metrics to popular tools like Datadog, New Relic, and Grafana

With Cyral, you get useful database quality metrics, such as:

  • Trending # of queries per database compared to average in order to identify load bottlenecks
  • Trending # of primary and secondary authentication failures across all data repositories to track suspicious activity and potential data breaches
  • Aggregate execution time by user and by query type for cloud data warehouses to optimize credit consumption
  • Latency per application and database to identify whether database connection pools are sized correctly

Cyral generates alerts on suspicious activity and anomalous behavior in the data cloud

You can set up cloud database security alerts for:

  • Full table scans comprising of sensitive information
  • Applications successfully using unencrypted connections to connect to a database
  • An employee accessing a production database
  • Access from a disreputable IP address

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