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Database Activity Monitoring

Monitor and Protect Your Critical Data

Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) provides comprehensive visibility into user actions, including queries, modifications, and access attempts, ensuring compliance adherence and swift threat detection. It helps identify and mitigate potential risks, detect anomalies, and maintain the integrity of your sensitive data.

Cyral’s DAM Guarantees
Enforcement & Availability

Enforce blocking on database requests

Improve availability and performance

Provide visibility into application users

Poor Visibility, Incomplete Protection

Query logs generated by agents on prem, and log scraping in the cloud. Inability to enforce policies, provide alerting only. Logs show activity by service accounts, end-user identity not visible. 

  • Lack of user identity
  • Inconsistent behavior
  • Tedious management

Comprehensive Visibility and Prevention

Consistent query logs across on prem and cloud. Ability to enforce policies for masking, access blocking and preventing exfiltration. Logs enriched with end-user identity and complete session context. 

  • Real-time visibility with complete context
  • Easy to manage, no impact to availability
  • Policies applied to direct & app users

Benefits of Centralized
Database Activity Monitoring

Consistent visibility into all data activity

Simplify audits and troubleshooting


Control access down to the field level

Identify malicious activity across environments

Designed to Scale Seamlessly

Supports multiple environments

Enforce policies consistently everywhere

Integrate with your tools and workflows

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