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Database Activity Monitoring

Minimize Risk with Centralized Database Activity Monitoring Solutions

Cyral’s multicloud database security monitoring provides centralized and consistent security across a variety of relational, NoSQL, object (blob) store databases, and data lakes. Manage database user privileges, monitor user behavior with data, and provide database activity logs and approval audits.

Why is Multicloud Database Activity Monitoring Important?

According to Gartner:

“Multicloud DAM functionality is critical to enforce privacy and data security policies that will enable regulatory compliance with data protection and privacy laws. By monitoring and auditing user activity to data, it helps prevent malicious activity, and manages appropriate business use of data, as well as the audit records that will be essential for incident responses.

Gartner®, “Hype Cycle for Data Security, 2021”, Brian Lowans, July 27, 2021.
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Benefits of Centralized Database Activity Monitoring

Consistent visibility into all data activity

Simplify audits and troubleshooting


Control access down to the field level

Identify malicious activity across environments

Federated authentication using your Identity Provider

Cyral simplifies account administration and enables you to authenticate users into your databases and data lakes using their SSO credentials.

Service account database monitoring

Cyral records activity by applications, tools and services at no impact to performance or scale.

Use your existing SIEM and workflows

Cyral automatically logs to your existing SIEM, such as Splunk, Datadog, Sumo Logic and ELK, in real time, and lets you keep your existing workflows and response playbooks creating flexible database monitoring tools.

Spotlight Features

Deep Visibility with Identity Enrichment

Collect identity-enriched logs and metrics for all activity against your databases, pipelines and data lakes. Get the real-time visibility and actionable context you need using your existing SIEM tools, like Splunk, DataDog, Elk and more. Speed up troubleshooting and simplify audits.

On-Call Access Management

Authenticate and authorize production database access for your on-call engineers. Improve team collaboration for reducing MTTR. Enforce least privileges, just-in-time access and activity logging at every step.

Discover the User Identity Behind Service Accounts

BI tools and multi-tenant applications often connect to your data endpoints using shared service accounts. This makes governance, forensics and troubleshooting complicated and unwieldy. Cyral uncovers the identity of users of these tools and applications in your logs, metrics, traces, and alerts. 

Ready to Get Started?

Get started in minutes and explore how Cyral’s database activity monitoring solutions can protect your data. Learn more about Cyral’s Database Activity Monitoring. You can also contact us to see a live demo.
