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Data Access Control

Secure Access Management for Databases and Data Lakes

Cyral’s data access control solution helps you easily control who has access to what data. Secure access management protects your confidential and privacy-related data with granular attributed-based access that fits into your existing workflows.

Why is DAC important?

According to 451 Research…

The modern data layer – particularly via diversified cloud architecture has gradually become more accessible to enterprise technology end users and data consumers, with businesses struggling to appropriately control data access and monitor activity. For purposes such as compliance stance and proactive data security strategy, organizations need more sophisticated control of individual data sources residing in cloud repositories.

Impact Report: “Cyral seeks simplicity for securing data access in the cloud”
August 2021, 451 Research , Paige Bartley, Sr Research Analyst

Benefits of Secure Access Management

Eliminate shared accounts for databases

Consistent visibility into all data activity

Get alerts for suspicious events

Enable Just-In-Time access approvals

Dynamic access management

Federated authentication using your Identity Provider

Cyral simplifies account administration and enables you to authenticate users into your databases and data lakes using their SSO credentials.

Enable access using any application or tool

Cyral’s service is transparent to databases and lets your users leverage any tool like DBeaver, pgAdmin, Toad, Jupyter, etc to securely access data.

Designed for performance and scale

Cyral’s featherweight, stateless interception service can be easily deployed in your cloud-native or on-prem environment. Cyral allows users to observe, control and protect their data endpoints without sacrificing on performance and scalability

Spotlight Features

Simplify Access Management for Cloud Data

Easily provision and manage access to cloud object storage, like S3, using your existing identity provider. Simplify user administration by mapping identities to IAM roles. Eliminate tedious role and credential specification from access workflows.

Cyral Chatops Provies Ephemeral Access for Databases Using Slack or Microsoft Teams

Grant your users only just in time and just enough access to your mission critical and sensitive data repositories. Eliminate the need for long term privileged access for users and reduce attack surface.

Discover User Identity behind Service Accounts

BI tools and multi-tenant applications often connect to your data endpoints using shared service accounts. This makes governance, forensics and troubleshooting complicated and unwieldy. Cyral uncovers the identity of users of these tools and applications in your logs, metrics, traces and alerts.

Ready to Get Started?

Get started in minutes and explore how Cyral’s secure access management solution can protect your confidential and privacy-related data with (DAC) Data Access Control. You can also contact us to see a live demo.
