Latest White Paper | "Cyral for Data Access Governance"· Learn More
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Production Data Security

Secure Your Data In Production

Protect customer data in production databases from unauthorized users and compromised applications

Advanced Production Data Security

Grant your users just-enough and just-in-time access

Troubleshoot issues due to runaway queries and unexpected usage

Detect anomalous access from compromised applications

Simplify Database Access Management for all your Engineers

Eliminate Shared Accounts

  • Enable users to authenticate with their IdP credentials
  • Configure passwords to be rotated frequently

Enable Dynamic Grants

  • Implement just-in-time approval workflows
  • Track all access approvals for audits and forensics

Production data Security
Use Cases

Easily manage access to your data for analytics and modeling and eliminate use of shared accounts

Simplify on-call access to production databases and reduce MTTR

Grant your users only just in time and just enough access to your mission critical and sensitive data repositories

Support all your database applications

Get consistent visibility

  • Unify log formats across different types of databases.
  • Feed unified database logs directly into your SIEM
  • Speed up forensics, audits and troubleshooting with rich identity and client context

Implement policies as code

  • Codify your production database access policy Provide visibility and simplify change management
  • Enforce continuous application of policies by integrating with your CI/CD pipeline
  • Enable a clear system of record with clear approval tracking

Observability Metrics for Troubleshooting Database Performance

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Who is Using Your RDS Instance?

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Protecting S3 from exfiltration attacks

Protecting S3 from Data Exfiltration Attacks

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“By implemeting Cyral, we fullly automated authentication and authorization to our databases using an IDP and SAML 2.0.”

-Head of IT and Security from a fast growing SaaS HR Tech company

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Get started in minutes: Explore how Cyral can protect your Data Mesh with our free trial. You can also contact us to schedule a live demo for a custom production security definition. Discover data privacy in production today.
