Our Commitment to Open Source

Why Do it Owl Yourself?
Cyral not only leverages open source technology to secure the data we care most about. We also build open source projects of our own. Our goal is to bridge the gap between Security and Engineering teams, and foster a culture of working together with our growing community.
Our technology focuses on today’s Infrastructure as Code model, expanding it to include Security and Policy as Code as well. We value simplicity and strive to bring visibility to the data layer for Security and Engineering teams in the dark.
We hope you join our parliament of owls by contributing to our projects.
Latest Open Source Contributions

Approzium enables developers to improve the observability and security of their applications. It allows applications to connect to databases without requiring access to credentials, and emits logs, metrics and traces with enriched information about their runtime execution context. It has been built as a lightweight open source library with multi-language and multi-cloud support.

BrewOPA is the open source project we released earlier this year. It extends OPA, a popular CNCF open source project focused on helping companies write policies for a cloud-native environment. If you’re not familiar with OPA, one of its challenges is that it must be written in Rego, and we thought we could help you work with the more intuitive and friendly YAML with this extension.
Meet our Innovators

Becca Petrin
Becca was the maintainer for the Terraform Vault Provider during her time at HashiCorp and created resources for the community on using Terraform with Vault securely.

Timothy Nguyen
Tim leads contributions to brewOPA—an extensible open-source framework that enables developers to easily brew data access control policies for Open Policy Agent (OPA) by writing them in the human-friendly YAML

Daniel Tobin
Daniel has been leading the call for a movement towards InfraOps in security, to increase collaboration between teams and improve outcomes. He’s written on the topic and gave a talk at BSides SF 2020 called From Cockroaches to Marble Floors: What happens when you turn on the lights?
Join the Community and Contribute
Want to learn more about using, producing, and contributing to Open Source projects?
We welcome contributions to any of our open source projects. As a bit of housekeeping, please be mindful of our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.