Latest White Paper | "Cyral for Data Access Governance"· Learn More

Modern Data Access Governance for Enterprises

Cyral’s cloud native platform allows you to easily control who has access to what data. Prevent data breaches and unintended access to sensitive data with real-time data governance, and secure data store security controls.

Fine-grained Data Access Governance tools apply consistent authentication, authorization, and auditing to all data stores hosted in your cloud and on-prem environments.

Cyral’s Data Access Governance Solution

Cloud native Data Access Governance features:

Identity and access management icon showing shield and lock

Identity and Access
Management for Databases

field level data security controls icon showing computer screen with padlock

Field-Level Data
Security Controls

multi-cloud database activity monitoring icon showing 3 clouds

Multi-Cloud Database
Activity Monitoring

Why is Data Access Governance (DAG) important?

451 Research says…

“The modern data layer – particularly via diversified cloud architecture – has gradually become more accessible to enterprise technology end users and data consumers, with businesses struggling to appropriately control data access and monitor activity. For purposes such as compliance stance and proactive data security strategy, organizations need more sophisticated control of individual data sources residing in cloud repositories.”

Market insight report cover image by 451 research (S&P Global) with title: Coverage Initiation: Cyral seeks simplicity for securing data access in the cloud.

Ready to Get Started?

See how Cyral can protect your data with modern Data Access Governance.
