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Version: v4.15

SSO with ForgeRock

With Cyral, you can authenticate users against your ForgeRock identity provider (IdP), and Cyral can read each user's group memberships from ForgeRock to determine the user's privileges. This integration uses ForgeRock as a SAML identity provider.

Follow these steps to use your ForgeRock to authenticate database users and Cyral administrators.



ForgeRock menu examples and screenshots in this document are based on ForgeRock AM version 7. Your setup might look different.

Integrating Cyral with ForgeRock for SSO involves the following main steps:

  1. Find the LDAP attributes used to store user email, last name, and first name, as well as the LDAP RDN type used to identify groups.
  2. Create a hosted identity provider ("hosted IdP") in ForgeRock, configuring request/response signing, name/ID value map, assertion processing (attribute maps), and then downloading your SAML metadata file from ForgeRock.
  3. Create the ForgeRock integration in Cyral, copying the required fields from the downloaded SAML metadata file, and customizing the integration as needed.
  4. Upload service provider metadata to the ForgeRock AM admin console. Create a remote entity provider, upload the Cyral service provider metadata, and configure request/response signing.
  5. Test the integration.

Create SAML IdP app in ForgeRock


Setting up the integration requires some details from the identity store configured in your ForgeRock deployment. The Cyral integration supports only ForgeRock deployments that use an LDAP-based identity store. Before you start, find the LDAP attributes that hold the following values for users:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email
  • group memberships

Create entity provider

First, create the identity provider integration (IdP) in ForgeRock. Follow these steps in the ForgeRock AM Management Console:

  1. Select the realm that you wish to integrate with Cyral
  2. Go to ApplicationsFederationEntity Providers
  3. Click Add Entity Provider and select Hosted from the drop down menu. This will create a new SAML identity provider hosted by ForgeRock.
    • Add an Entity ID.
    • Add an Identity Provider Meta Alias.
    • Click Create.
  4. Configure your new hosted identity provider as follows.
    • Go to Assertion ContentSigning and EncryptionRequest/Response Signing.
      • If you don’t want SAML authentication requests (AuthnRequests) and Assertions to be signed, leave all toggles switched to off/false. Otherwise, if you want AuthnRequests and Assertions to be signed (the Cyral default, recommended configuration), configure it as shown below, turning on signing for authentication requests, logout requests, and logout responses.

    • Go to Assertion ContentNameID FormatNameID Value Map.
      • Choose the LDAP attribute that will be used for the SSO username in Cyral. To use the user's email address, leave the default setting; to use the username from ForgeRock, configure it as shown below:

    • Go to Assertion ProcessingAttribute Mapper
      • Create Attribute Maps from the local LDAP attributes used to identify a user’s email, first name, last name, and group membership. These values are labelled local attributes, and they may vary across ForgeRock deployments.
      • The SAML Attribute values must match the screenshot exactly. These must be EMAIL, LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, and GROUPS.
      • The following local attribute values are the defaults for OpenDJ in ForgeRock:

      • Click Save Changes.
  5. From the sidebar on the left, go to Identity Stores and select the identity store that is used for the integration.
    • Go to User Configuration and add isMemberOf to LDAP User Attributes, if it is not already there
    • Go to Group Configuration and copy down the value for LDAP Groups Search Attribute.
  6. After creating the new hosted identity provider, download the SAML metadata file from your ForgeRock instance. The easiest way to do this is explained in this ForgeRock support article, in the section, “Using your browser or curl.”

Add Forgerock IdP to Cyral

Next, add the ForgeRock IdP integration in Cyral:

  1. In the Cyral management console, select Integrations.

  2. On the ForgeRock tile, click Setup and click New Integration.

  3. Provide an Integration Name for this SSO provider and click Add Integration. This is the name your users and administrators will see when they use or set up this SSO provider.

  4. Fill out the fields using the SAML metadata file you downloaded from your ForgeRock instance.

    • For Single Sign-on and Single Logout, make sure to choose the URLs that use HTTP-POST.
      • The XML tag should say Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
    • For the signing certificate, make sure to select the X509 Certificate that has the XML tag use="signing".
    • The LDAP Group Attribute should be your identity store's value for the LDAP Groups Search Attribute.
  5. Modify the advanced configuration settings if needed.

  6. Save the integration.

  7. Click Export SP Metadata to download the service provider metadata. This is the Cyral SP Metadata document.


    The following ForgeRock features have not been tested with Cyral:

    • HTTP-Redirect is untested and not guaranteed to work
    • Back channel logout is untested and not guaranteed to work
    • Wants assertions encrypted is untested and not guaranteed to work

ForgeRock settings

Standard settings

  • Single Sign-On Service URL: The URL that must be used to send authentication requests (SAML AuthnRequest).
  • Single Logout Service URL: The URL that must be used to send logout requests.
  • LDAP Group Attribute: This parameter specifies which RDN type is used to identity group membership. For example, if an LDAP DN sent in a SAML assertion is "cn=Everyone,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org,", and the LDAP Group RDN Type is cn, the mapper will interpret Everyone as the group name.
  • Validate Signature: Whether the SP will validate digital signatures from the IdP. Cyral recommends that you turn this on for proper security. The default value is true.
  • Signing X.509 Certificate: Required if Validate Signature is set to True. The certificate used to validate signatures.

Additional settings

  • Display Name: The name used to identify the integration on the Cyral login page. This is seen by all users who login through the given integration, whereas the ‘name’ of the integration is only seen internally by administrators who manage SSO integrations. This is the name that will be seen in the Cyral UI.
  • Backchannel Logout: Set this value to false.
  • Wants AuthnRequests Unsigned: Indicates whether the identity provider expects a signed AuthnRequest. Defaults to false, meaning the IdP expects signed requests.
  • Wants Assertions Unsigned: Indicates whether this service provider expects a signed Assertion. Defaults to false, meaning the SP expects signed assertions.
  • Wants Assertions Encrypted: Set this value to false (the default), meaning the SP does not expect assertions to be encrypted.
  • Disable Force Authentication: Indicates whether the identity provider must authenticate the presenter directly rather than rely on a previous security context. Defaults to false.
  • Allowed Clock Skew : Clock skew in seconds that is tolerated when validating identity provider tokens. Default value is zero.
  • SAML Binding Type: Set this value to HTTP-POST.

Set ForgeRock to recognize Cyral

Follow these steps in the ForgeRock AM Management Console:

  1. Go to ApplicationsFederationCircles of Trust.
    • Click Add Circle of Trust and name it.
    • Add your hosted identity provider to the Entity Providers field.
    • Save it.
  2. Go to ApplicationsFederationEntity Providers
    • Click Add Entity Provider and select Remote from the drop down menu. This creates a new SAML service provider.
      • Upload the Cyral SP Metadata document.
      • Select the Circle of Trust you just created.
      • Click Create.
    • Do one of the following, depending on your ForgeRock setup:
      • If using unsigned SAML messages: If you switched the options Wants AuthnRequests Unsigned and Wants Assertions Unsigned to true above (meaning your ForgeRock installation will expect unsigned SAML AuthnRequests and Assertions), you are finished with the setup.
      • If using signed SAML messages: If you kept ForgeRock's default settings for Wants AuthnRequests Unsigned and Wants Assertions Unsigned (meaning your ForgeRock installation will expect signed SAML AuthnRequests and Assertions) then you must do the following: Go to Assertion ContentSigning and EncryptionRequest/Response Signing. You'll see that Authentication Requests Signed and Assertions Signed are toggled on. Leave them on. Toggle the following values on as well: Logout Request Signed and Logout Response Signed.

Next step

See Set up SSO authentication for users for the steps to activate SSO authentication on each repository that will use it.